Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


The eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 is greater than the eruption of the volcano more than 100 years ago or in 1872.

"If the index is measured by the eruption, the eruption in 2010 was greater than the Merapi eruption ever recorded in history, namely in 1872," said Chief Hall Kegunungapian Investigation and Technology Development (BPPTK) Subandriyo Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta, on Tuesday (9 / 11 / 2010).

According to him, one of the indicators used to determine the index of the eruption is from the amount of volcanic material that has been leveled.

At the eruption of 1872, the amount of volcanic material ejected by the eruption of Mount Merapi during the process of reaching 100 million cubic meters.

In the meantime, until now the amount of volcanic material that has been spewed out since the eruption of Mount Merapi on 26 October until now estimated to have reached about 140 million cubic meters of volcanic and seismic activity is not stopped.

"Most of the volcanic material that leads to Kali Gendol and are now part of the river has been filled by volcanic material," he said.

Therefore, the threat of lava flooding in a number of rivers that disgorge at Mount Merapi is still very possible to happen.

BPPTK try to do the monitoring of the air with aerial photographs. However, it still continues to conduct an analysis of the results of the photo.

"There are a few obstacles before the commencement of aerial photographs, the column of smoke was still thick enough to obstruct the view to see the peak of Merapi," he said.

Based on the results of the monitoring until at 12.00, still there was an earthquake tremor in a row that indicates a magma activity in the body of the mountain.

The Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Surono said, there are a few volcanology and geological experts from foreign countries who want to help monitoring the activity of Merapi.

"We invited only. Merapi is a laboratory of the world so that anyone can conduct an investigation, let alone the Merapi eruption did not happen once a year," he said.

A number of volcanology and geology experts said foreign originated from Japan, the United States, and also France.

Meanwhile, the head of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Syamsul Maarif appealed to people still follow government instructions to be on the safe radius of 20 kilometers (km) from the peak of Mount Merapi.

Moreover, people also asked not to move at a distance of 500 meters from each side of the river, especially the river that tipped at Mount Merapi, to avoid the danger of cold lava.

Based on data from BNPB, the number of victims who had died from the eruption of Mount Merapi, since 26 October has reached 151 people consisting of 135 people in the DIY and the 16 people in Central Java and the total reaches 320 090 displaced people.

Mount Merapi eruption also damaged 291 homes. A levee burst in the village of Ngepos due to overflowing of cold lava.

Selasa, 28 September 2010




Flood is a natural disaster in the flow of great water flow. This great water flow destructs everything rurrounding places where the flow goes throught. The flood is the result of the less of the absorbtion ability of the land, the disturbance of a lot of garbages which plug the water flow, and the large amount of rain which happens for many days continuously.

A sequenced of the stage

Initially a lot of people throw the garbages a way no in the right place. When it rains the water cannot flow smoothly because of the plugging garbages. The rain falls heavier and it happens for many days. The next stage is discrease of absorbtion ability of the land so that the excessive water from rain which puddles cannot be absorbed well under the land surface. The mount of the water becomes greater and greater. Finally the water runs in the form of rush and extremely great water flow.

picture taken from: http://www.google.co.id/images?q=proses%20terjadinya%20banjir&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=id&tab=wi&biw=1360&bih=584

vidio: taken from youtube.com

Kamis, 02 September 2010



Cara Memakai Jilbab

  • Pilih bahan jilbab yang ringan,nyaman,adem dan praktis, carilah di penjual jilbab atau jual jilbab online.
  • Pilih model jilbab sesuai dengan bentuk wajah dan acara yang hendak kita hadiri.agar kita tidak salah kostum.
  • Model jilbab serta warna harus disesuaikan dengan busana yang kita pakai untuk memberi kesan elegan dan cantik.
  • Gunakan dalaman jilbab,seperti ciput,bando,atau bandana agar rambut tidak mudah keluar sehingga anak-anak rambut pun rapi tersembunyi.apabila rambut anda berponi gunakan jepit ke belakang agar tidak menimbulkan jerawat didahi, carilah di toko jilbab dan toko jilbab online.
  • Berwarna serasi dengan dalaman jilbab,kadang jilbab atau bergo yang kita gunakan tidak cukup tebal sehingga dalaman jilbab cukup membayang.untuk menyiasati pilih warna yang serasi dengan jilbab luar atau pilih warna hitam,putih atau warna kulit yang akan cocok dipadu-padan dengan jilbab aneka warna.
  • Gunakan aksesoris jilbab seperti bros atau lainnya agar terlihat lebih cantik.
  • Hindari model jilbab yang rumit dan banyak aksesoris untuk pemakaian sehari-hari.agar kita dapat melakukan aktifitas kita lebih leluasa, anda dapat melihat model jilbab terbaik di toko jilbab dan toko jilbab online.


Kamis, 20 Mei 2010


A lot of people, especially teenagers, who do not smoke, always want to try smoking. They know it is bad for them and all, but it is just something they want to try. So they ask one of their smoker friends for a cigarette. Admittedly, they firstly can not light it on their own so they ask his friend to do it. Then they inhale that cigarette and smoke occasionally.

Argument !
Apparently that makes them the born smokers. Now they do smoke fairly regularly. They can not avoid smoking and they enjoy too. They have smoker friends. Everyday they bring a pack in their pocket. For them, a pack of cigarette is as important as a wallet for their money.

Argument 2
Suddenly, for certain reason, they realize the fact that tobacco is the cause of a long list of nasty diseases. It is not only heart disease, stroke, and chronic lung disease but also bladder, lung, and pancreatic cancer. Even it was reported that around 400,000 Americans died each year. It was one every 80 seconds from tobacco-related illnesses.

Argument 3
Then they decide it is stupid to harm selves. They want to quit smoking. Unfortunately, they find that quitting smoking is so difficult. “Why can't I stop smoking? I really want to stop it”. It is hard to quit because nicotine is powerfully addictive. Cigarette is one of the most efficient drug-delivery devices ever devised. As result, when people try to quit smoking, they often experience classic nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, headache, depression, and restlessness.

Well, still want to try smoke? Think the facts before trying! If you are not smoker, you should never and never try to smoke.


Example of Hortatory Exposition = Removing Lead from Petrol

Removing Lead from Petrol

In all the discussion over the removal of lead from petrol (and the atmosphere) there doesn't seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the country.
While I realize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when you travel through the country, where you only see the another car every five to ten minutes, the problem is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads.
Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don't seem to appreciate that, in the country, there is no public transport to fall back upon and one's own vehicle is the only way to get about.
I feel that the country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who live in the city.

Generic Structure Analysis
Thesis; paragraph 1
Arguments 1; paragraph 2
Argument 2; paragraph 3
Recommendation; paragraph 4
Language Feature Analysis
Focusing on the writer: using the first personal pronoun "I"
Using abstract noun; discussion
Using action verb: treat,
Using thinking verb; think, seem
Using passive voice; should be treated differently
Using simple present tense; there doesn't seem…, there is no public transport.., etc
Source : understandingtext.blogspot.com

taken from : http://tutorjunior.blogspot.com/2009/10/example-of-hortatory-exposition.html

Example of Hortatory Exposition - Fasten Your Seatbelt!

Fasten Your Seat Belt!!!

A seat belt, sometimes called a safety belt, is a safety harness designed to secure the occupant of a vehicle against harmful movement that may result from a collision or a sudden stop. As part of an overall occupant restraint system, seat belts are intended to reduce injuries by stopping the wearer from hitting hard interior elements of the vehicle or other passengers (the so-called second impact) and by preventing the wearer from being thrown from the vehicle.

During 2004, total accident in DKI Jakarta are 4.544 cases, with 1.146 death victims, 63% of that accident victims didn’t use seat belt (Source: tempo interactive). If we use seat belt, we will be safe if an accident happening to us. Of course it will decrease the number of death by fatal accident. This fact makes us realize that if we don’t use seat belt, we will endanger our life. So it’s very important to use seat belt.

For some people, using seat belt makes journey uncomfortable, makes us can’t move freely, etc. But if we used to wear it, it will be our habit. We will feel more and more comfortable if we often use it. Regardless of whether it is comfortable or not, it is very important for us to use seat belt, to save our life.

Government, especially police department, began enforcing us to use a seat belt to decrease the number of death victim. It’s appropriated with polices’ slogan “Melindungi dan Mengayomi Masyarakat Indonesia”. Because the number of death victim in Indonesia is so high. And most of the death victims didn’t use seat belt.
